Terms and Conditions

TERMS OF SERVICE: You hereby agree to all terms by visiting or using TheArmsPit.com.1. You are 21 years of age or older.2. You must be a United States Resident to use TheArmsPit.com3. You take full legal responsibilty for any items bought or sold on this website.4. You understand TheArmsPit.com, takes no responsibilty for the legality of items bought, sold, or trades on this website.5. You understand it is your responsibilty , and not TheArmsPits.com, to follow all local, state and Federal laws.6. You agree to not open more then one account on TheArmsPit.com (No Spam)7. You agree to not post more then one listing per item.  (No Spam)8. You agree TheArmsPit.com takes no responsibility for your safety, and holds no legal or civil responsibility, for any reason.9. You agree to forefeit your right to file any lawsuit, or bring any chargers, for any reason against TheArmspit.com10. You agree that TheArmsPit.com, can change these terms at anytime, for any reason.11. You agree that by visiting and using TheArmsPit.com, You legally agree to any and all terms listed.

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